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Yogi’s Restaurant

November 25, 2012

  • 2070 E. VW Avenue
  • Vicksburg, MI 49097
  • (269) 649-2431
  • Website
  • Menu

Before J and I moved to Kalamazoo, we never really had a Christmas tree.  For the first couple years we were together, her mom would send us a small tree from Jackson & Perkins.  After we moved to Kalamazoo, we decided to get a real tree for the first time.

Growing up, my family always had a fake tree.  My mom hated the idea of vacuuming needles out of the carpet for months.  When J and I first moved to Kalamazoo, we lived in an apartment and didn’t have room to store an artificial tree, so we decided to go for the real thing.

The first couple years, we picked up our tree at Badger Country Farms on Sprinkle Road.  We always got good trees from that place, but last year, we decided to go somewhere else just to see what else was out there.  That’s when we fell in love with Mott Farms in Vicksburg.

Like most families, we usually pick up our tree on Thanksgiving weekend.  Since today was the first day that both J and I had off together, today was the day we took a drive to Vicksburg for our tree.

As we do with any trip, we found a place in Vicksburg to eat.  Sure, it was a little past breakfast time (it was actually after noon), but it’s Sunday and on Sunday’s, you can eat breakfast all day.  A couple friends told me about one of their favorite breakfast joints just outside of Vicksburg a few years ago and we’re just now finding an excuse to go there. 

Yogi’s Restaurant is actually outside of Vicksburg on East VW Drive.  It’s west of town a few miles actually closer to Portage Road.

Like any good breakfast place on a Sunday, the parking lot was pretty full.  Surprisingly, one of the few open spots was right in front of the building.  We bundled L up and headed inside to find a small cash register/hostess area.  The hostess already had a couple menus in her hand waiting for us, but asked as we were walking if we wanted breakfast or lunch.  She grabbed the breakfast menus assuming we wanted breakfast….and she was right.

We were taken to a booth in the back corner of the restaurant with all the other families with small kids.  After setting down the menus, she went to get a high chair for L.  As we were getting settled, our waitress came over for drink orders.  I got a Coke.  J got a Sprite.

We pushed the coffee mugs and extra silverware out of L’s reach then glanced at the menu.  J had a harder time deciding than I did.  I found both of my breakfast standby’s on the menu and went with the one I find less often.

My choice was the Eggs Benedict (over the Steak Lovers).  The plate is a fairly typical Eggs Benedict.  Two English Muffins.  Each topped with a grilled slice of Canadian Bacon and a poached egg.  The whole plate is then covered with the creamy Hollandaise sauce.  This Eggs Benedict really hit the spot.  As L’s getting a little older and a little harder to keep happy in a restaurant, we aren’t eating out quite as much.  I’ve missed breakfasts like this.  A well toasted English muffin was a solid base to the main ingredients.   The plate came with choice of potato.  I chose the American Fries which were sliced potatoes that are grilled on the greasy flat top.  They were good and greasy, but I could have used them cooked a little more.  I like breakfast potatoes to be really crunchy.

J was looking for something she could share with L.  She ordered some toast just for L, but she wanted to get something else L would eat.  Her choice was the French Toast which came with bacon.  The Texas Toast bread comes topped with powdered sugar.  Syrup and butter are served on the side.  Both J and L really seemed to enjoy it.  L had a slice of regular toast in one hand and a slice of French toast in the other.  She couldn’t decide which she liked more.  J asked for the bacon to be extra crispy and it came out just that way.

Our bill was a little over $18 and before we knew it, we were heading to pick up a Christmas tree.  Yogi’s is the perfect local breakfast joint.  The food was fantastic and it was loud enough that we didn’t feel like L’s occasional scream at another little kid was ruining anyone else’s meal.

Eggs Benedict w/American Fries

French Toast w/Bacon

Yogi's Restaurant on Urbanspoon

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